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Biohack your morning routine with this gratitude planner. 


Biohacking basically means changing your chemistry, habits and your physiology through science and self-experimentation to increase energy and vitality. You can biohack your diet, lifestyle, cycle, sleep and so on.


There is a lot of research about the complex interrelationship between our minds and bodies so let’s start here. Because in a nutshell, moment by moment thoughts can have a profound effect on the brain – either positive or negative depending on how we let them affect with us. And the issue is, when we have a long period of negative thoughts, we are actually hard wiring our brain to keep having them… our reactions, habits, emotions, and behaviours then happen automatically because our brains become used to them.


That's why it is easy to get stuck in a rut / overwhelmed / burnt out etc and feel like we're having the same experiences over and over again.


Thoughts are the language of the brain, and feelings are the language of the body so how you think and how you feel creates your state of being.


Which is why we are beginning this healing journey with a NEW morning routine. Simple yet effective!


Most people wake up in the morning, and they start remembering their problems. We check insta, emails, texts etc and the emotions associated with this - ie. perfection, pressure, past experiences start popping up. The moment we start thinking about those problems, we are thinking in the past. We want you focused on a positive future instead.


Gratitude Planner

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